
Co-author Cindi Abribat

Co-author Cindi Abribat

Book Delivery Day Finally!!  Years of working and reworking our story and we are thrilled to have our beautiful books in hand. We have a limited edition, first run of...

Co-author Cindi Abribat

Book Delivery Day Finally!!  Years of working and reworking our story and we are thrilled to have our beautiful books in hand. We have a limited edition, first run of...

Co-author Kathleen Bohannon and LUCY

Co-author Kathleen Bohannon and LUCY

Lucy and Kathleen's real story....

Co-author Kathleen Bohannon and LUCY

Lucy and Kathleen's real story....

Illustrator Claire Abribat

Illustrator Claire Abribat

At work in her studio creating the 92 paintings that are in The Adventures of Lucy G. Bohannon.  The process of illustrating is something that .....

Illustrator Claire Abribat

At work in her studio creating the 92 paintings that are in The Adventures of Lucy G. Bohannon.  The process of illustrating is something that .....

The Adventures of Lucy G. Bohannon

Adventures in Self Publishing

The Adventures of Lucy G. Bohannon is a full length, six part, hand-painted treasure. It is a sturdy, hardcover book, with signed editions of 500. It features Lucy, a formerly...

Adventures in Self Publishing

The Adventures of Lucy G. Bohannon is a full length, six part, hand-painted treasure. It is a sturdy, hardcover book, with signed editions of 500. It features Lucy, a formerly...